Only my third post this month - hopefully it doesn't get any lower then this! It's very tempting to garden in this beautiful weather or just stay outside. Yesterday we had a huge yard sale, which also meant a LOT of prep work. I didn't want to miss Frau Liebes initiative again, so the camera was with me from early on. I finally bought myself a new one- I gave up hope, that the other one will reappear.
Tomaten gegossen -
watered the tomatoes
den Kolibris frisches Futter gemacht -
filled the humming bird feeder
lecker gefruehstueckt -
had a yummy breakfast
im Office gewirbelt -
whirled in the office
auf dem Balkon in der Sonne gelesen und Cappu geschluerft -
sat in the sun reading and slurped Cappuccino
schon wieder gegessen - diesmal BBQ -
ate again - this time around BBQ
mit der Kamera Jagd auf Kolibris gemacht -
try to catch some hummingbirds with the camera
Euch allen einen tolles Pfingstfest!
Have a wonderful Pentecost!